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StudentsImpact: View Response #25

1.What did you learn about new teaching and learning practices (such as blended learning (face to face and E-learning), more than one instructor, European Instructors, remote lab (if working),…)?

the most amazing thing i noticed was the flexibility in the idea of blended learning, specially that in our time most of students have other commitments.
the other thing is the cultural immerse of ideas through having European instructors.
for the remote lab , in my opinion its an marvelous idea and huge flexibility in taking the data, but that is for beginners in engineering ,
because i still think that to make new data , new changes , you need to think outside of the box (remote Lab) , so the remote lab cant be held in researcher's institutions, because it stops the progress (flow) of ideas, also any cahnges in the lab will cost time and effort to make , but still its a great idea for undergraduate students, to understand the concepts behind many things in a flexible way

2.What new links have you built with other students and universities in Europe (during visits to Europe or having European Instructors)?

the understanding of concepts behind the GOLAB idea for teaching
also a visit to CIEMAT and exploring the progress of testing and making of the solar energy progress
also a chance to see the modern house , that runs fully on clean energy

3.Do you think that MUREE (course and/or visits to EU) has provided you with extra career potential? If yes, how?

of course it did, the experience that muree provided in the both sides , yhe practical experience in solar energy, renewable energy, and the cultural experience in exploring a new city was extremely helping to improve my career potentials , also it gave me some ideas that i want to work on in my homeland

4.What new skills and competencies did you obtain through the use of the labs? (if applicable).

unfortunately, in the day to use the remote labs i had a headache so i couldn't make it to UNID, but through my early trying the remote labs within the course, all i can say is that the chance to make bridge between the traditional way of labs and the modern-tech labs is not an easy thing, but still its a great start on the road!

5.Please feel free to tell us about your experiences, and please give specific examples if possible.

The welcoming at UNID institute was warm and interesting at the same time,
also the idea of making testing devices with low cost was tempting to push the students in the university of Jordan to try it, my idea at remote lab was explained above, and for the rest it surely gave me a push to think in way to immerse the Spanish experience i learned in the middle-eastern experience that i have into a one better understanding for the concept of renewable energy systems and management.

Created at 9/22/2015 2:44 AM by  
Last modified at 9/22/2015 2:44 AM by